Indivisible Tucson Action Alliance (ITAA) is an unincorporated grass roots organization based in Northern Pima County Arizona that is affiliated with the national Indivisible movement formed after the 2016 election to oppose the policies of President Trump.ITAA may also choose to be associated with other Indivisible or progressive organizations whose goals are similar to those of ITAA. Our actions are informed by the National Indivisible Guides, which detail ways to influence people who represent us at the national and local level.
I. Mission Statement: Indivisible Tucson Action Alliance supports progressive candidates and policies that promote dignity, diversity, and democracy.
II. Strategic Goals: A. Elect candidates who share ITAA’s values. B. Support policies that promote and address:
Free and fair elections;
Racial and gender equality;
Scientific-based research and actions regarding global warming and environmental quality;
Affordable and accessible healthcare and prescription drugs;
Economic equality; and
Quality education for all.
C.Attract and develop the organization’s membership.
III. MEMBERSHIP: Membership is open to anyone who asks to be on our mailing list likes us on the ITAA Facebook page. Members must agree to abide by our Code of Conduct: A.Respect other Members’ privacy; B.Be patient; C.Be respectful; D.Be welcoming; E..Adhere to group rules on ITAA’s Facebook and other social media platforms. Membership may be revoked for cause, including but not limited to failure to abide by the Code of Conduct, engaging in intimidating behavior or being convicted of a felony. Revocation of membership must be by a 2/3 vote of the Steering Committee (described below).
IV. MEETINGS: ITAA meets on the first Monday of every month from 3:30 to 5 pm at the Oro Valley public library unless the Steering Committee sets the meeting for a different time and place.
At the monthly meetings the membership will consider and act upon the agenda set by the Steering Committee.ITAA conducts much of its work through the formation of teams (Teams) focused on specific issues or branches of government. Minutes will be maintained of every monthly meeting and emailed to the members before the next monthly meeting. The members present at a monthly meeting shall constitute a quorum.Special meetings may also be called by the Steering Committee on at least 5 days notice to the membership email list.
VI. VOTING: A. MAJORITY VOTE To the extent feasible, ITAA conducts its business by consensus of the members.If it becomes clear to the Chair that no consensus can be reached, the Chair may call for a vote.Except as described in the next paragraph, when a formal vote is required a simple majority of members present shall control the outcome. The Steering Committee will have the discretion to determine if voting on an issue should be conducted by email to all Members in addition to voting at the monthly meeting. B.TWO-THIRDS MAJORITY VOTE REQUIRED: If the vote is to adopt or amend these Policies and Procedures, endorse a candidate or a specific piece of legislation or ballot initiative a 2/3 majority of members present at a meeting is required.In such cases, the Steering Committee must provide advance notice by email at least 5 days before the date of the vote.
A. Members: The Steering Committee shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair and Team leaders.ITAA members who have made a significant contribution to advancing the goals of ITAA may also be invited to apply for membership on the Steering Committee and will become a member if approved by a majority vote of the Steering Committee. The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected at the January meeting of ITAA by a simple majority and shall serve for a one year term.Nominations for Chair and Vice Chair must be submitted by the December general meeting. There are no term limits for the position of Chair and Vice Chair.Team leaders will serve on the Steering Committee during the time that they are working as team leaders.Any member of the Steering Committee who is not a team leader or Chair or Vice Chair shall serve for a one year term. At no time will membership on the Steering Committee exceed 8 members (including the Chair and Vice-Chair.)
B. Meetings: The Steering Committee shall meet the last Monday of every month at 3 pm at a place determined by the Chair. The time and location of the meeting may be changed at the discretion of the Chair. Any member who requests to put an issue on the Steering Committee agenda at least 5 days before the meeting may attend Steering Committee meetings.Attendance of such member shall be limited to the time set for discussion of the member’s requested agenda item.
Only Steering Committee members may vote at Steering Committee meetings.Summaries of Steering Committee meetings will be maintained by the Chair and made available to ITAA members upon request.
C. Duties : The Steering Committee sets the agenda for the General Meetings, approves the procedures for managing donations made by members, supports the Teams and works to assure that ITAA’s work is consistent with its Mission Statement and Goals.Steering Committee members are required to participate in Indivisible national and state calls. The Steering Committee is also charged with determining if a member’s membership should be revoked.