This year's ballot will be filled with up to 30 initiatives for voters to decide. The Legislature can place laws or constitutional amendments on the general election ballot by introducing the exact same bill in the form of a “concurrent resolution” in each chamber. In the House the concurrent resolution is identified with as an HCR. In the Senate it is identified as an SCR. In order for a concurrent resolution to get on the ballot it has to pass by a simple majority in both chambers.Concurrent resolutions are the exact same bill introduced in both chambers (and usually at the same time.) A simple majority vote in both the AZ House and Senate is required to get the subject of a concurrent resolution — a proposed statute or constitutional amendment— on the general election ballot. Once a concurrent resolution passes in one chamber then the second chamber passes the bill from the first chamber instead of passing a separate, but identical bill. The key here is that CRSs and HRSs bypass the Governor entirely. Once passed in the Legislature, they go directly on the ballot to the voters. This is only happening because the GOP led Senate and House disregard the wishes of their constituents and put these radical bills on the ballot...but we can vote NO!