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Recent Actions/Activities
Fri. Feb. 7 event - Phin and Mitch Anderson organized a protest on Fri. Feb. 7 at 10am at the Tesla dealership (corner of Oracle and River), protesting against Musk's illegal actions. Report to follow. Wed. Feb. 5 event - On Wed. Feb. 5, at 1 p.m., about 200 protestors gathered on the Valdez Library Plaza (101 N Stone Ave) and marched to Sen. Kelly's office across the street (100 N Stone Ave), and from there to the Federal Building (300 W Congress St), and on from there to Sen. Gallego's office (20 E Ochoa St). Additional protesters were gathered at El Presidio Plaza (165 W Alameda St). Brief KVOA report: https://www.kvoa.com/news/hundreds-protest-in-downtown-tucson-wednesday-afternoon/article_da050316-e40e-11ef-a115-fbb2c127b3f9.html Another media outlet was there but I don't know who. Mary Schaffer said (on FB): "We made The Rachel Maddow show!!!" At Kelly's office, they let 3 people go in and talk with a Kelly representative while the rest signed in to let them know we were there. The three people representing us came back and reported. First, that Kelly’s office had no clear plan about what to do about Musk. Second, they couldn’t shut the senate down or not vote for some nominees. Third, they wanted to speak with the head of the groups we were representing. After about a half an hour at the Federal Building, the group marched to Gallego's office, where a representative was already waiting outside with about a dozen clipboards full of comment forms for people to fill out. Many people filled out the forms and also spoke to the representative at length. I want to highlight an astute comment (from FB) by Melanie Cooley: "And the answer to "the head of the groups we are representing" is the American people are the people Kelly needs to speak to. That's the point. Kelly needs to get a plan, grow a spine, stand up for and speak directly to the people. "We want to meet with your group head" is a red herring. And by that, I mean that what they are trying to do with that request is direct us in into the comfortable channels that work for them: quiet one-on-one meetings that don't disrupt their day too much or make too much noise. These rallies and visits are INTENDED to disrupt. It isn't pressure if they aren't made uncomfortable. Don't let them get comfortable! (Not my first rodeo...)" (Thanks to Shirley Pevarnik, Linda McIntosh Peet Dugan, and Margrit McIntosh for reporting on this event.) |
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2. Contact your elected representatives.
Congress - Senate - Arizona Senators are: Ruben Gallego (D) SR-188 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 Phone: (202) 224-2512 Contact Form: https://www.gallego.senate.gov/ Mark Kelly (D) B40B Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-2235 Contact Form: www.kelly.senate.gov Congress - House of Representatives - Find Your Representative https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative STATE LEGISLATURE Arizona State Legislature - Find My Representatives https://www.azleg.gov/findmylegislator/ 3. Join ITAA in writing letters to the editor which are amplified on social media.
4. Participate in the "Request to Speak" system for commenting on state legislature bills in progress.
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“Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each generation must do its part.” Congressman John Lewis Here are just a few ways to protect your democracy in just a few a minutes a day.
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Wondering Who To Vote For On Climate Issues?Check out Sierra Club's and Progress Arizona's Climate Report Cards on Legislators