Our Mission Our Alliance is committed to an inclusive and diverse country that works for all of its citizen.We support progressive candidates and causes at the national, state and local levels.We originally organized in 2016 to defeat Trump and we succeeded. Now we must continue our work to form a more perfect union. We are affiliated with Indivisible (www.indivisible.org), a national organization with thousands of local chapters. We have approximately 350 members and followers on Facebook.
Our Strategic Plan
Elect candidates who share ITAA’s values.
Support policies that promote and address: free and fair elections; racial and gender equality; scientific-based research and actions regarding global warming; affordable and accessible healthcare and prescription drugs; economic equality; and quality education for all.
Attract and develop the organization’s membership.
Current Membership and Organization The Leadership Team sets agendas, priorities and goals.
Members:Dana Offerman, chair; Vice Chair, Jan Counts; Treasurer, Jeanne Hardy; Karen Harris, Joe Alexander, Kathleen Mayer, and Misty Atkins.
Please email [email protected] to contact any of our Leadership Team Members.
We operate with teams to implement our goals and support members.
State legislative team, Joe Alexander
Unrepresentative Team, Kathleen Mayer
Letters-to-the-Editor team, Jackie Marshall
Social media team, Karen Harris
Postcard team, Cindy Bordelon
Texting team, Joe Smith and Kathleen Mayer
New Membership, Eileen Hollowell
Opportunities to Participate
Monthly meetings (via Zoom) at 3:30 the first Monday of each month via Zoom. Contact us at [email protected] for a link
Team-sponsored events and rallies
Participate in a team (see above)
Canvassing, phone banking, text banking and postcarding, petition signature collection
Research on candidates, issues, pending legislation
Outreach to elected officials (calls, postcards, emails)
Join UsAll are welcome! We meet via Zoom on the first Monday of each month. We usually have a guest speaker or a training and make actionable plans to move a progressive agenda forward. Please contact indivisibletucson.org to request a link to the meetings.