Sign on and welcome to participants by Dana Offerman.
New Members asked to identify themselves and their area of interest.
Raynbo Silva is a new member whose interest is Healthcare Reform
Cindy Doklan is a new member whose interest is Voter Suppression
Speakers Chesney Richter and Nick Medel – Rural Arizona for Accountability
Chesney presented an update on the Finchem recall and an explanation of the recall process.
The effort requires 24,775 petition signatures based on voter turnout at the previous election cycle and must be obtained within 120 days of starting the process.Petition signatures are due by July 8, 2021.The Secretary of State then will need to validate those signatures.Finchem will then have 5 days to resign.
The last successful recall campaign was 10 years ago and required 7,000 signatures.
The recall if successful will be called by July 28th with the election scheduled for November 2nd.Candidates for the position can file after July 28th.There is no party affiliation listed on the recall ballot.
If you would like to get involved in the recall, you may reach out to Chesney; [email protected] or 719/406-0553
Nick Medel is the volunteer coordinator for the recall campaign and provided information on collection of petition signatures and volunteerism.
Additional information may be obtained at:
Dana inquired as to the best places and times to obtain signatures; Nick responded that parks and weekends seem to have the most success.
Reminder that petitions must be notarized and there is a mechanism in place.
You must be a registered voter in LD11 to sign the petition.
You may also contact Dana at [email protected] who can come to you to obtain petition signatures.
Finchem is going to run for Secretary of State and hopefully this recall effort will weaken his campaign.
No potential candidates for Finchem’s position at this point.The signatures needed to run is 2,600.
4,000 signatures have been collected thus far.
Social Media Team Report – Helen Herziger, Steph Bader & Karen Harris
ITAA Facebook account and the team’s personal accounts have been disabled by Facebook and the team is trying to determine the reason.
Now there is no administrator and there is no one who can let people into the group.
There has been no success in contacting Facebook to resolve the issue.
ITAA members will be notified if a new group page is created.
The group page continues to work if you joined before the account was disabled.The account affected is the private invitation only page.
State Team Report – Thea Chalow for Eileen Hollowell
Request to speak is about to close.It is only available while state bills are in committee.Civic Engagement Beyond Voting gives information on what stage in the process bills are in and whether and whom you should contact regarding bills.
Save Our Schools Arizona has information on the bills currently being considered that would take funds away from public schools and put them into private schools, charter schools and the school voucher program.
Voter suppression bills are also included in what the state legislature is working on.
Best way to address bad legislation is to contact Gov. Ducey to veto any legislation that makes it to his desk.Make sure the bill number is in the email.Bill numbers can be found on the ITAA Facebook page.
The best resource to become informed about the bills is Civic Engagement Beyond Voting.
Letters To The Editor - Team Report – Jacolyn Marshall
There are currently 34 members of the LTE team.
So far this year there have been 26 letters published in the Arizona Daily Star.
All letters that are published are placed on the ITAA Facebook page, Twitter, the ITAA website and statewide thanks to Tricia Sauer the Indivisible Arizona coordinator.
Readership of the Star is 238,000 daily and 364,000 on Sunday.
Project 147 Defund a Seditionist – Chris Hawkins
Founded the seditionist donor letter writing project. Goal is to stop campaign contributions by corporations.Originated in California through indiecalifornia.
Chris’s goal is to train groups on how to organize their on 147 campaign.
Chris shared a slide presentation which you can find on the ITAA website.
Additional information and links to the toolkit can be obtained by writing to [email protected].
Other organizations where information on political donors can be obtained are:; and the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
If you would like to get involved you can contact Chris at the above email.
Treasurer's Report – Dana Offerman for Margo Nichols
Restricted Funds balance - $450.
Unrestricted Funds balance - $26.65
April 5th to May 30th National Indivisible will match donations up to $500. to ITAA donated through Act Blue.The Act Blue link is on the ITAA website.These donations will be in the Restricted Funds account.
You can also donate to ITAA by writing a check to Margo Nichols.These donations will be placed in the Unrestricted Funds Account.
Federal Team Report – Jan Counts and Karen Harris
Jan and Karen are actively participating with the Indivisible State Federal team.
The state Federal team is actively monitoring the status of the following bills: S1 (For the People Act), S51 (D.C. Statehood Admission Act) and HR4 (The John Lewis Voting Rights Act).
The team had a Zoom meeting with one Sinema staffer which was not productive. No additional meetings have been scheduled and there has been no response from her office regarding the request for another meeting or a town hall.
The team had a Zoom meeting with three Kelly staffers which was very productive with the possibility of future meetings and a town hall.
Ann Kirkpatrick representing LD9 will not run for another term.Two candidates have announced their intention to run for her seat next year.They are Randy Friese a member of the Arizona State House and Kirsten Engel a member of the Arizona State Senate both Democrats.